Wikimarathon on Bioinformatics

We’re going to celebrate BUB official launch on November the 24th and you’re all welcome to join us! We thought that the best way to start the project was proposing (alongside) a competition 😈. The International Society in Computational Biology (ISCB) organizes an annual competition dedicated to the edition of Wikipedia articles related to computational biology. Our idea is to organize a joint candidature to write five articles that will help making the knowledge of our beloved discipline more accessible to the general public. Indeed, it is a date that any supporter of the open knowledge culture can’t miss!


Suggested topics for Wikimarathon entries so far,

[For each entry, there is now a google docs to collaborate]


  1. Fill in the Google form here.
  2. Choose a topic or suggest us a new one (through the form).
  3. Join us on November 24 at the PRBB.
  4. Have fun!



With the collaboration of:
